Friday, June 4, 2010

Homeschooling Noah

I'm sure there will be more on this to come, but we are in the midst beginning to homeschool Noah. He is only four and I am convinced at this point that less is more. He's four for goodness sakes, he should be spending a lot of his time getting dirty outside, using his imagination, riding his bike, etc.

So all that to say we have started slow and steady. I have been using:

The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

Bob Books

Explode the Code Workbooks

Handwriting Without Tears

Saxon Math (adding this in the Fall)

I am enjoying doing a little homeschooling with Noah now and look forward to continuing into the Fall. I know we'll have plenty of years ahead of us to dig into a more rigorous curriculum, but for now this will do:) Writing it down so I don't forget how it all started!


  1. I wanted to ask you, do you do the only ETC lesson in one day. It seems lengthy, but I was wondering if to cut it in parts throughout the week. Your take?

  2. It is really lengthy so right now we only do one page a day. 2 if Noah is feeling really eager that day:) We also don't do much of the actual handwriting part. The lines are and spaces are small and his fine motor skills aren't there yet. Sometimes he spells for me and I write. Overall I like the books a lot though!
