Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noah's Glasses

Noah has this pair of blue glasses that I think Uncle Ryan and Aunt Stacie gave him when he was just a baby. The sunglass lenses fell out long ago, but for years now he has loved wearing the plastic rims! It is the funniest thing. He will forget about them, but when he finds them at the bottom of his toy bin he will literally wear them for days. He's been wearing this silly glasses since he was about two. He actually wore them all day on his third birthday.

I think he just really wants to be like his Daddy. He says he can't see a thing without them! Considering the eye sight that Mitch and I have, with any luck he'll get to wear real glasses one day:)

Matching Bug Bites

Both of my boys have insane reactions to mosquito bites. This past weekend they were both bitten in the same exact spot on the same exact day. What are the odds? A little benedryl and they were good to go. Noah and I have a theory that mosquitos didn't bite in the garden of Eden.

Levi's Road Rage

Levi is the sweetest little guy you will ever meet. However this sweet little guy HATES and I mean HATES being in his carseat. Unfortunately for him we find ourselves in the van on a pretty regular basis. I have a few theories.

My first was that his carseat was a torture device. The little boy I babysit, Tyson, drifts quietly to sleep in the car and seems very comfortable in his. So I decided to let Levi give Tyson's a go. Tyson contentedly sat in Levi's seat, while Levi screamed in his loaner. Apparently the car seat is not the problem.

My second theory has no real way of being tested, but Levi gets kind of "ashy" on his back. The doctor thinks it could be mild (very mild) eczema. So maybe he gets hot and uncomfortable in the seat. Who knows? Maybe next year I can ask him and he will say, "why yes mother, my back itches. This is why I have been crying for the past year and half."

My third theory is he just hates being restrained. I know this is true, but the second theory probably has some merit as well. is a picture from a recent road trip as evidence.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Noah's Artwork

I teach Noah's preschool class on Wednesday nights at church. We were discussing how the Israelites were grumpy and complained in the desert, even after God had brought them out of slavery and defeated their enemy the Egyptians. Despite their bad attitudes God still showed mercy to them by providing them with manna to eat in the morning and quail in the evenings.

The kids enjoyed pretending to be the Israelites. They especially liked whining to Moses, together they would say....."Moses, Moses" the most annoying whiny voice ever. I think they could relate to the grumbling Israelites. The truth of the matter is I could too! God has so richly blessed me, yet I still find myself anxious and whiny. I still complain when I've had a long day with the kids...the very beautiful healthy kids God blessed me with. I still worry about money....the very money God owns and graciously lets me use. There is no telling the grumbling and complaining I would do if I was hungry in the desert!
I'm so thankful that the God I serve is merciful! Merciful to the Israelites, and merciful to me!

That night the kids also made quail as their craft. Their teacher is lame so the pattern is pretty silly. Here is what the quail was supposed to look like.....

Below is Noah's version. It looks a lot like Mr. Potato Head and is hanging on our fridge.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Levi Celebrates Our Risen Lord in a DISGUSTING way!

Easter Sunday my parents and sister were here so our Sunday morning routine was a little different than normal. Levi was going to stay home from Sunday School with them, and they were bringing him over for the service at 11:00am.

Noah and I were dressed and ready to go, almost ready to walk out the door when my Dad made the "discovery". Levi was playing happily in his room (too quietly). When my Dad found Levi, 66he had poop on his back, hands, feet, carpet, piggy bank toy, coins inside the piggy bank toy, and oh his diaper! The diaper was still on so apparantly he had reached in and grabbed a handful and did a little "finger painting". YUCK! He had never done this before and hopefully he will never do it again! Nothing gets one in the mood for worship quite like cleaning poop off the carpet.

Fortunately my parents were here because usually I'm flying solo on Sunday mornings with the kids. I cleaned the carpet. Mom bathed Levi and Noah and I were still on time for Sunday School. Ordinarily Levi would already have been dressed for church, but he was still in his PJ's. God is very gracious to me!

We did have a wonderful Ressurection Sunday (poop incident aside).