Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Children are Bilingual

On Sunday mornings I'm kind of on my own with the kids. It's a busy day of the week for Mitch...go figure. He gets up early and walks on over to church while the kids and I do breakfast and get dressed for church. Some Sunday mornings are pretty hectic, but all in all we usually do pretty well. The routine I have worked out is:

1. Get the boys fed, myself fed, and dishes rinsed (but not is the sabbath after all).

2. Get the boys dressed, shoes on, hair brushed, etc.

3. Turn on a cartoon for the boys.

4. Get myself dressed with theoretically no interruptions.

This past week I was on number 4, when Mitch came home to check on us. Which by the way is very sweet of him, because like I said Sundays are his busiest day. Mitch came into our bedroom and said, "Did you know the kids were watching a cartoon in Spanish?"

My answer of course was No. Apparently in my haste I had chosen a Spanish cartoon for them. The funny thing is they still didn't interrupt me and were quite entertained while I got dressed. Here is a picture of them watching their culturally diverse programming. I thought Babar had a British accent, but not this week!


  1. You know what means... it doesn't matter what is said, it is what is being shown that gets the attention. Which makes sense as Luk watches Tom and Jerry (no voices just music). =)

  2. Jessica and I just read this and laughed so hard. I laughed til I was crying, They are so precious! I love them so much!
