This is the first glimpse of Landress Baby #3. We are thrilled beyond belief that God is allowing us the opportunity to raise another child for His glory! This ultrasound was done at 12 weeks and is a pretty incredible image if you ask me, of course I am a little biased in my opinion I'm sure. God had already knit together this little person in my womb in 12 short weeks. As the tech was taking measurements we could see the baby kicking, squirming, stretching. All the while, I was feeling no movement yet! God is performing a miracle INSIDE of me, while I just sit back take my prenatal vitamins and consume completely ridiculous amounts of ice cream, doritos, and cheetos. I can certainly not take any of the credit for the work He is doing in me. In fact, I'm quite humbled that he would even allow me this opportunity to carry, birth, raise, cherish, instruct, and discipline another child who will bear His image. Praying that God would find Mitch and I faithful in pointing this little one to Christ and eagerly awaiting the day we will look on his or her sweet little face!
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