A while back I blogged about the Fake Blue Glasses that Noah has worn for a couple years now off and on. Well several months back Noah's dream of wearing real glasses became a reality. What a lucky guy, huh?
We stumbled upon a free eye exam that turned out to be a huge blessing. It was there that we discovered he had a bad astigmatism and actually wouldn't even be legal to drive if he were an adult. Who knew!?! Not his very attentive parents! Anyway, it was a little disheartening to watch him take the exam. I assured them that he knew his letters, but he was doing so poorly they switched to pictures. He would say things like "that one looks like........hmmm....a bench?" Or "that looks like a ..... whatever that is". Sad and funny all at the same time.
He's had the glasses for month or so and loves them! We go back in December to get the lenses that will give him 20/20 vision. They're having to wean him to the correct Rx because it would be too much of a drastic change to give him the correct lenses now. "Writing It Down" so that I'll remember to get Levi's eyes checked!
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